
Create a new environment


udclient [global-args...] [global-flags...]
  createEnvironment [parameters] [JSON file]


Table 1. Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
application string false Application to add the environment to
name string false Name of the new environment
description string false Description of the new environment
color string false Color of the new environment, in hex format. For a REST call, URL encode the # symbol; for example, %23ff0000 for pure red. For a udclient command, put the color in hex format in quotes; for example '#ff0000'.
requireApprovals boolean false Whether the environment requires approvals
noSelfApprovals boolean false Whether the environment allows self approvals


This command takes a JSON request string or file. Use the following template for the request:
  "applicationId": "Application ID associated with the 
  Environment template.",
  "cleanupCountToKeep": "Number of most recently deployed 
  versions to keep (optional)",
  "cleanupDaysToKeep": "Number of days to keep versions 
  deployed to this environment (optional)",
  "color": "HTML color code for the environment (optional)",
  "description": "Description (optional)",
  "exemptProcessesArray": "An array of process Ids. These 
  processes will be exempt from approvals for this 
  environment (optional).",
  "externalApprovalAgent": "Name or id of agent to run 
  external approval processes on (optional).",
  "externalApprovalAgentPool": "Name or id of agent pool 
  to run external approval processes on (optional).",
  "externalApprovalProcess": "Name or id of external 
  approval process(optional).",
  "historyCleanupDaysToKeep": "Number of days to keep 
  application process history for this environment 
  "inheritSystemCleanup": "Inherit the system cleanup 
  settings. If set to true, this overrides the other cleanup 
  attributes. (optional, boolean)",
  "lockSnapshots": "Whether snapshots will be locked when 
  deployed to this environment (optional)",
  "name": "Environment name",
  "noSelfApprovals": "When this option is selected, users 
  that submit deployment requests cannot approve their own 
  requests (optional)",
  "requireApprovals": "Whether approvals will be required 
  "requireSnapshot": "If enabled, all deployments must use 
  a snapshot instead of loose versions (optional)",
  "snapshotDaysToKeep": "Number of days to keep snapshots 
  deployed to this environment (optional)",
  "teamMappings": [{
    "resourceRoleId": "Id of Resource Type to apply to 
  this team mapping (optional, can specify either this or 
    "resourceRoleLabel": "Name of Resource Type to apply 
  to this team mapping (optional, can specify either this or 
    "teamId": "ID of a team, either this field or 
  teamLabel are needed to specify a team",
    "teamLabel": "Name of the team to map the environment 
  to, either this field or teamId are needed to specify a 
  "useSystemDefaultDays": "Whether or not to use the 
  system default number of days to keep application process 
  history for this environment (optional)"


udclient -username jsmith -password passwd 
  -application JPetStore 
  -name NewEnvironment
  -color '#ff0000'

Related REST command: Create a new environment.